Blanca Beats All Odds! (Cerebral Palsy & Epilepsy)


Blanca’s birth was very difficult. Soon after, an MRI showed a massive brain edema and she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She was cortically blind and epileptic. When her parents first learned about the Doman Method, Blanca was two years old. She was functionally blind, immobile, and lacked speech at the time. 

Blanca is now eight years old. For the past six years, Blanca’s family have dedicated themselves to successfully implementing the Doman Method home program with Blanca. The program has consisted of an excellent physical development plan, improved respiration, and an optimized a nutrition plan. Initially, Blanca required the Doman Method Visual Integration treatment which helped Blanca begin to see. As soon as she had vision, parents could start with a Doman Method Reading Program to get her reading. 

Today, Blanca walks and runs 4 kilometers daily. From a cognitive viewpoint, her understanding and reading are are both above age level. You can see a picture of her typing above. She types words and sentences independently and has over two thousand words of speech. She can now speak in long sentences. Blanca is an extremely charming girl who has come a long, long way developmentally in all areas, considering she once could not see, speak, or move. 

Congratulations to Blanca and her family!


Denis Can See and Excels in Every Way (Cortical Blindness)


Francesca Walks (Cerebral Palsy)