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Learn groundbreaking treatment that will
boost your child’s development

Unite with a team of professionals
who truly care about your child

Watch your child gain new abilities
you were told were “impossible”


Are you frustrated with “experts” telling you:

  • Your child will never walk or talk

  • Your child will never succeed in school

  • Your child has a low IQ and is unintelligent

  • You just need to “wait and see” if they improve

“There’s nothing harder than watching your child go day by day without progress. The secret is brain plasticity - and you learning how to unlock it in your child.”

Spencer Doman
CEO and Doman Method® Coach

You First Doman Method® Appointment

  • Get a customized plan for your child designed by the world’s leading experts.

  • In-person at 10+ locations worldwide OR remotely from anywhere.

  • Start a plan to get your child walking, talking, and more!

  • Year-round support to guide you every step of the way.

Contact us today to book your first Doman Method® appointment.

Our Guarantee: After completing the appointment, you will have a customized 6-month home treatment plan to target all of your child's developmental needs.

How to Get Started

1. Schedule a call

Speak to a representative to learn more and see if you child is a candidate.

2. Book your appointment

Pick a date to see our staff in-person or online to get a custom program for your child.

3. Start your home program

You can get started with the Doman Method® and see results, right away.