Genetic Disorders and The Doman Method®
Children with Genetic Disorders Have Hope
Genetic disorders happen when a genetic mutation affects one’s genes or one has the wrong amount of genetic material. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the only ingredient which forms Genes. Genes contain cell functioning instructions and the human characteristics that make an individual unique. Genetic disorders can be acquired from one or both parents.
Genetic disorder can be identified from genetic counseling and lab tests. In general, lab tests typically show gene mutations that are responsible for genetic disorders. There are various options available to identify genetic disorders. Such as Carrier testing, Prenatal screening, Prenatal diagnostic testing, and Newborn screening.
Genetic abnormalities and certain genetic disorders are common among children with special needs and developmental delays. As genetic testing improves, more and more children are diagnosed as having genetic disorders, which affect their development.
While a person’s genes cannot be changed, many of the symptoms, problems and behaviors that these individuals exhibit are the result of poor neurodevelopment. If the development and function of their brain improves, the symptoms the person experiences can reduce.
For children diagnosed with genetic abnormalities, often the neurodevelopmental symptoms of their genetic disorder can include poor speech development, poor motor development, sensory problems, cognitive delays, poor coordination and depth perception, among other difficult symptoms.
What are common types of genetic disorders?
There are various types of genetic disorders. Such as:
Chromosomal disorders
FragileX syndrome
Triple-X syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Turner syndrome
Down syndrome (Trisomy 21).
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 18
Multifactorial disorders
Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
Autism spectrum disorder
Coronary artery disease
Migraine headaches
Isolated congenital heart defects
Spina bifida
Monogenic disorders
High cholesterol disease
Cystic fibrosis
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Familial hypercholesterolemia
Neurofibromatosis type 1
Tay-Sachs disease
Sickle cell disease
Learn more about these from The Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center website.
Like other genetic condition treatments, Gene therapy is also under the study of clinical trials. However, the only recognized treatment for the various types of genetic diseases is known as bone marrow transplant (BMT) treatment. A bone marrow transplantation infuses the genetic patient with stem cells which are free from problematic genetic mutation. Those stem cells can travel to the affected organs, where those cells become the needed cell type.
Doman Method for Genetic Disorders
The staff of Doman International has worked with children with dozens of different genetic disorders, resulting in developmental delays and special needs. They have gained a great deal of knowledge over the past four decades about how to help these children.
Children diagnosed with many genetic disorders have shown great potential for improvement with a home-based program of stimulation and activity that improves brain development. The human brain is able to change and rewire — this process is called neuroplasticity. The Doman Method® Program has been designed to help the brain develop through specifically designed activities.
Nearly all children improve on a home program, and their symptoms reduce, or at times, disappear. Some children with genetic abnormalities even graduate from the Doman International program and join their well peers in school. Our goal for each and every child is wellness — well enough to function like everyone else, and succeed and be happy in life. Our main objective is excellent results.
If you have a child or loved one diagnosed with genetic disorders, you can begin the Doman Method program by scheduling an appointment at Doman International today. This course teaches parents how to do a treatment program designed for maximum progress in cognitive, motor and speech development, as well as improved behavior, health, and sensory development.
Douglas Doman and Spencer Doman, M.Ed. released their newest book, “The Doman Method: From Special Needs to Wellness” that provides you a plan that you can apply immediately with your child, helping your child reach their fullest potential.
In this book, you will discover:
How to get your immobile child on the pathway to walking
How to improve your child’s speech development
How to optimize your child’s health, diet, and sleep
A clear program for your child’s social development
How to teach your child to run on their own
How to teach your child to read, no matter their age!