How We Measure Success at Doman International

Doman International and The Doman Philosophy has helped thousands of children over decades. Our staff has seen nearly every kind of developmental disability and special need that exists. This experience makes them uniquely qualified to help families and children. 

These milestones are what we live for.

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Success Milestone Definitions:

  • Began to see - they could recognize parents’ faces, facial expressions, and pictures shown to them

  • Learned to read - they could read over 100 words with complete comprehension and demonstrate reading ability when evaluated

  • Began to hear - they could hear environmental sounds and began to understand their first words of speech

  • Comprehend speech - they could understand above a 3-year-old level

  • Began to speak - they could now speak not only words but also some word pairs (two words together like “orange juice” or “come here”)

  • Learned to write - they learned to write not only words, but could also write word pairs (two words together like “orange juice” or “come here”)

  • Began to crawl - they could crawl forward at least 4-meters and move around their home in this way

  • Began to creep - they could navigate their home with the use of creeping on hands and knees and explore their environment, and do so completely independently

  • Began to walk - they could walk both inside their home and outside, walk carrying an object, stand up independently without help or support, and explore their environment through walking

  • Began to run - they could now run independently on different terrains and without help. All of these children could run over 100 meters without stopping or help

  •  Went one full year (12 months) without a single illness of any kind, and were completely healthy - Many of these children were chronically ill prior to the program

  • Medication Elimination - were able to fully eliminate all their anticonvulsant medications while on the program, with the guidance and support of Doman International physicians

Doman International Milestone Achievements


Doman International Moms share their story with the Doman Method® programs

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