IRPUE Campus

Parents from all over Europe and the world are invited to visit Doman International’s campus in Fauglia, Italy.

Just 20 minutes from Pisa, the Istituti per il Raggiungimento del Potenziale Umano property has welcomed families to their appointments with the Doman International staff for over 35 years. Upon registering for an appointment, you will receive travel information to help plan your trip to our campus, including an extensive list of comfortable accommodations nearby. 

The main villa at IRPUE contains offices where our staff will evaluate your child’s neurological development and teach you every aspect of the customized program they design.

During break times, families are encouraged to relax and enjoy the grounds with their children. Our staff will ensure that your visit is productive, and as stress-free as possible.

For more information on upcoming appointments in Fauglia, please contact Colleen Hudson at, or on WhatsApp at +1 (814) 232-8668. 

For more information on upcoming appointments in Fauglia, please contact Rossella Cantatore at, or on WhatsApp at +39 388 883 93 08.