Treatment for Brain Injury and The Doman Method®
Children with Brain Injuries Have Hope
The Doman Method is perhaps most famous for helping adults and children diagnosed with brain injury or brain damage. Glenn Doman wrote the book “What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child” in 1973.
For decades, the Doman Method® has been used with individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injury during or after birth, as well as strokes. The brain injury might have occurred later in life due to an accident or due to head trauma. When the brain is damaged, the individual can have a range of symptoms as a result.
Symptoms of brain injury can include speech problems, visual impairment, auditory issues, motor and mobility problems, cognitive difficulties and social/emotional problems. As per the report of Brain Injury Association of America, more than 5.3 million people in the USA are living with a permanent brain injury-related disability. So we have to be aware of this even if it is a mild TBI.
A moderate or severe TBI can do permanent brain disabilities and damage. In some rare cases, moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries or severe head injuries can increase the risk of developing dementia, neurological disorders, or movement disorders, and Alzheimer's disease later in life. As per the report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 2,500 children and 54,000 adults died from TBIs in the USA in the year 2014.
People with mild TBI are much safer than people with moderate or severe TBI. That is because the above-mentioned diseases are unlikely to happen with people with a mild mild traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury and that doesn’t impact much in their normal brain function.
Children diagnosed with brain injury are not hopeless. In fact, they have shown great potential for improvement with a home-based program of stimulation and activity that improves brain development. The human brain is able to change and rewire — this process is called neuroplasticity. The Doman Method® Program has been designed to help the brain develop through specifically designed activities.
Nearly all children improve on a home program, and their symptoms reduce, or at times, disappear. Our goal for each and every individual with brain injury is wellness — well enough to look and function like everyone else, and succeed and be happy in life.
The treatments for TBI basically depend on many factors like location, severity, size of the brain injury etc.
For the child with mild TBI, taking adequate rest is the main treatment. You can also take OTC medications.
As for the child with moderate to severe head injury, the health care professionals will stabilize his condition to prevent further injury. They will check the pressure of the inside part of your skull, manage your blood pressure, and they will make sure that there is adequate oxygen and blood getting to your brain. Apart from that, they will try to address other injuries of the people with severe injuries so that they can give them proper medication.
If you have a child or loved one diagnosed with a stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI) or brain damage, you can begin the Doman Method program by scheduling an appointment at Doman International today. This course teaches parents how to do a treatment program designed for maximum progress in cognitive, motor and speech development, as well as improved behavior, health, and sensory development.
Douglas Doman and Spencer Doman, M.Ed. released their newest book, “The Doman Method: From Special Needs to Wellness” that provides you a plan that you can apply immediately with your child, helping your child reach their fullest potential.
In this book, you will discover:
How to get your immobile child on the pathway to walking
How to improve your child’s speech development
How to optimize your child’s health, diet, and sleep
A clear program for your child’s social development
How to teach your child to run on their own
How to teach your child to read, no matter their age!