7 facts about Spencer Doman
We are pleased to announce the first interview from the "7 Facts About..." series. In each of the following interviews, you will meet one Doman International Team Member who will answer seven interesting, unexpected, and provocative questions about him/her.
Our guest today is Spencer Doman, Chief Innovation Officer.
Who was your hero in childhood? Why?
My grandfather Glenn, a larger-than-life figure, was a mesmerizing public speaker and teacher. I remember watching moms cry out of emotion just meeting him. I remember going with him to his reunions with his infantry rifle company and the soldiers he served with would pull me aside and say things like:
“Your grandfather was the bravest man I ever knew and fought with.”
He really was inspirational and my admiration for him started at a young age!
2. If you could have a drink with 3 people from history, who would you choose and why?
Winston Churchill because he's famous for both, his resolve and his sense of humor (and he would most likely have been my grandfather's first choice for a drink partner).
Second, as I've been reading more about the virtues of stoicism recently, so I would like to sit down with Seneca to get his take on life.
Lastly, Coco Chanel because she was a character famous for her attitude and it would be fun to spend time with her.
3. If you could be invisible, where would you go?
I would sneak onto Suite Class on Singapore Airlines, the most expensive airline ticket that exists. I would choose this largely because I don't believe I'll ever have enough money to buy that expensive a ticket and even if I did, I wouldn't waste money on such a thing.
Source: Wikipedia
4. Who is a hero that the world needs to know more about?
John Brown
He was a staunch abolitionist (anti-slavery activist) in the 1850's in the United States. At the time, there were more than three million slaves living in the U.S. and he was morally outraged by it. He tried to lead a slave insurrection to free the slaves that failed and it cost him his life. Still, his act of bravery shook the country and made many realize that this was a crime against humanity that needed resolving. His courage was an important spark that led the country to embrace that all people deserve to be free.
5. If you had to choose only three things to take with you to a desert island, what would they be?
My wife, Melissa
A fishing rod
A room with air conditioning
6. If you could acquire the ability of a superhero, what would you choose and how would you use it?
I'd love to have the power to end human suffering. Nothing is more upsetting than when good people suffer.
“I’m happiest when others are happy.”
7. What's the next book your planning to read?
I'm currently reading a book called “Tribe” by Sebastian Junger, which is about the need of humans to belong to a close-knit social group. The next book which is waiting for me is Viktor Frankl's “Man's Search for Meaning.”