My Advice for Dads

In 1983, Rosalind and I had our first child. We couldn't wait to use everything we had learned as Child Brain Developmentalists to develop our baby intellectually, physically and socially. Since we worked together, I was able to stay at home every Thursday and do the program with our well baby. Rosalind went to work that day to stay active in her profession. Of course, I helped with the baby’s program on weekends as well as when I was home.

As the top gun in terms of physical development, I should have been able to do a better program than my wife. As the son of Glenn and Katie Doman, who grew up with the Institutes program, I should have been able to do a better program than my wife. At the time, I was also her boss, so I should have been able to do a better program than my wife. Correct?


She was my child's mother. She did the program every day except Thursday. These qualifications outweighed mine.

At first I tried to do a better program than her. It was frustrating. Finally I realized I couldn't compete. It was a very wise decision. From that moment, I did the program exactly as she told me to do it. My son and I were happier. I was more relaxed and had a better time. That was 35 years ago.

There are some dads who are the main programmers, and their wives work. These dads are superheroes and do an amazing job. For most families, like mine, the moms do the program and the dad’s work. If you are not the person who is the primary programmer, you need to understand that your job is to support your spouse who does the majority of the program. Instead of thinking you could do it better, listen to their experience and instructions, and do your best to execute the program like they do it. This will make you, your spouse, and your kids much happier, and will allow the program to run as smoothly as possible.


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