Doman International Fundraising
Doman International has partnered with GoFundMe to enable you to create and connect a GoFundMe page for your child’s program to Doman International to help you raise money for your Doman Method® Program.
Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Set Up Successfully
After signing up, you will begin creating your campaign starting with setting your goal fundraising amount. This does not have to be an exact amount that you need for, one appointment for example, but it is important to make sure it’s attainable. You can always change this amount in the future. Remember that the donations will be automatically sent to Doman International, so we do not suggest you include other expenses like travel.
Creating a campaign title is next, this can be up to 50 characters and needs to be descriptive, to the point, action-driven and most importantly, it has to include your child’s name. This point is important - it is so we know on our end whose child the funds are assigned to. Check out some examples below:
“Injured Johnny has a fighting chance”
“Help Zack reach his full potential”
“Mya works towards recover”
“Lilly has a fighting chance”
“Help Ronan overcome his diagnosis”
“Help Sophia continue her treatment”
Next, check out the terms and privacy policy, agree and you will be able to add the main image. Use a bright image for this or better yet, make a video! This is your shot at a powerful first impression. Having the right image is key to your fundraiser's success. It is recommended to use images of the people involved - you and your other family members - since images of people get stronger reactions than a text filled graphic. Finally, avoid blurry or low-quality images, and use a Jpeg image.
You also have the option of embedding a video that you uploaded to YouTube. Make sure it’s public so that everyone can see it!
Write your story. A great story will be open, descriptive, and will include an introduction to your child and your family, your journey with them so far, and finally, your experience with the Doman Method® and what it has done or will do for your child and your family. You can also use the bold formatting or photo upload links in this section to further bring your story to life!
Sharing your campaign. At this point, your campaign may start receiving donations. However, no one will see your campaign until you start to share it! Remember, sharing is the key part to getting donations on GoFundMe. If you aren’t sharing your campaign with your friends and family, then it’s likely not going to get donations. Using your personal network can help get you closer to your goal.
You can share it:
On Social Media: When posting to social media, add a personalized message with your link, explaining why your GoFundMe means so much to you and how grateful you’ll be for a donation or share, how the funds will help you etc.! A simple, direct, and heartfelt appeal will get you the most views.
By email: connect your email account to your GoFundMe account to share it with your contacts.
With your staff coach, who will send it to our social media team to feature it on our social media pages.
Post updates regularly. Supporters appreciate receiving updates from fundraiser organizers and updates can contribute to a successful GoFundMe.
Some other ideas for posting updates with your GoFundMe page linked:
How donations are being used
Thank you shout outs to those who have donated or shared
How your child is doing since their last appointment or program start
A request for supporters to share your link with their network
STEP 10:
Finally, email your new GoFundMe to to let us know you have set this up so we can track the funds and add them to your account for future services.