Sophie’s Success in Reading, Understanding, Creeping & Speech (Cerebral Palsy)
Sophie’s mom realized that she had a developmental problem around six months of age. Sophie kept her right hand clenched and was not able to use it when she played. She couldn’t sit up by herself or move for transportation. She was later diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
Sophie’s parents took the online Doman Method® Course: From Special Needs to Wellness when she was one year old. At this time Sophie had the understanding of her age level, she could say 2 words of speech, and she was able to use only her left-hand to pick toys and objects when she played. She had rigidity in her right wrist. She could not feel well on her right hand and on some parts of her body to the point where she could likely hurt herself and not know it. She was unable to move on her own on the floor.
Sophie and her family started on the Doman Method® program right after finishing the course. Within 6 months, Sophie’s family took their very first online Advanced Doman Program appointment. While doing the program, her sister Maddie helped with motivating Sophie. Sophie learned to crawl on her belly on her 3-meter inclined floor, gradually building up the total number of sessions on the inclined floor to 30 times a day. The inclined floor helps children to begin to learn how to move forward independently. After two months on the inclined floor, Sophie graduated to crawling on the flat floor. In the weeks that followed, she built up to crawling over 400 meters per day and did so all over the house!
The family also followed the recommended reading, nutrition, and respiratory programs along with her excellent mobility program.
At her most recent evaluation, Sophie, now 2 years of age, had been shown over 650 words in the previous 6 months. Sophie demonstrated her ability to read during her evaluation (although she’s only 2 years old!), and points to names and signs regularly in everyday life. Along with her reading ability, her understanding continues to grow appropriate to her age-level and higher. She can understand instructions both in Indonesian and English. Parents can make deals with her. Her ability to feel pain and to protect herself from harm is now perfect. She is able to use her right hand more than before. She learned to creep on her hands and knees, and does so up to 200 meters a day!
Sophie is now starting to pull herself up on furniture. She has started to take several steps independently and is now able to stand still for a few seconds in between steps.
Moreover, Sophie’s language is now exploding and she has over 100 words that she uses consistently and clearly. Her parents share that she talks just like other toddlers at her age.
Given all of Sophie’s wonderful achievements she was awarded Reading, Understanding, Crawling, Creeping, and Language victories! Her next goal is a Walking Victory!
Congratulations to Sophie and her family, we can’t wait to see what she achieves next!