6 Tips to Help Organize your Doman Method Program
My son, Spencer, asked me to write up some helpful tips for moms beginning the Doman Method™ Program. Many mothers might already be implementing these recommendations, but even if you are, it is always good to hear them again. When I was doing the Doman Method™ Program with Morgan, I always wanted to hear ways from other mothers on how to be more organized, so I hope these are helpful for you as well.
Tip #1: Put your phone away
I’ll will repeat this again -- put your phone away while working with your child. When I began the program with Morgan, there were no cell phones! But I had a landline phone that I took off the hook between the morning and afternoon hours I was working with my child, so there were no distractions.
The phone is a distraction for you and for your child. You will add an hour to your day just if you do this.
Tip #2: Learn to say “No”
Because I was home doing the program, sometimes people thought that because I was home that meant I was always available. This took lots of time away from my work with Morgan.
“I learned to say “No” when I was doing the program with my daughter.”
Of course there are family emergencies and urgent matters that are exceptions, but placing strong, healthy boundaries will do you and your child a world of good.
Tip #3: Do not be afraid to ask for help
People want to help, they just don’t know how. I learned to ask a family member to pick up my son from school or drive them to their soccer practice. People do want to help. Be specific with your needs and thank them.
Tip #4: Organize your time for creating the materials
Organize your time for creating the materials for your child’s cognitive program, whether that’s their Math, Reading, or Encyclopedic Knowledge program.
“Set aside a time during the week to do this on a specific day and time, and make sure you have a single place in your house for making materials. ”
If you do this, you will spend less time moving the materials from one place to another. I always had my husband, Douglas, spend Sunday morning taking the kids out for a long walk or hike so I had at least three hours for material preparation. Having your spouse give you time to get yourself organized is essential.
Tip #5: Your other children need to help!
My kids did their own laundry and had specific chores that they did that made them more independent, and made my life easier. This is huge. The important thing is that they know they are part of the solution of helping their siblings. For me, sending my kid to an extra soccer practice was not as important as helping with their brother and sister. Give them specific jobs so they know that what they are doing is contributing to their family and sibling.
TIP #6: It was very important to finish the program by 5:00, or 6:00 PM at the latest
When I was doing the Doman Program with Morgan, we had a full day. I had a specific time to start and to end each and every day. It was very important to finish the program by 5:00, or 6:00 PM at the latest, so we can relax and get to bed on time. By doing this I was able to get her to bed early enough to get up early to start a new day. This is a healthy rule to implement for yourself, and you’ll find the program getting easier and better day by day.