A Special Holiday Message From Douglas Doman For Our Families
During the course The Doman Method™ Course: From Special Needs to Wellness, I speak about a child who grew up on the Doman Method™ Program. Those of you who have attended the course might remember me speaking about him. For those of you who remember, I have an update about him for you.
About thirty years ago, a two-year-old boy with cerebral palsy crept into our clinic. Remember that cerebral palsy is considered “incurable”. The family came from California and immediately went to work doing the program. The little boy immediately began to read, he became an avid reader and was reading books by age three.
His family worked hard and eventually they graduated him into school. He did brilliantly. As a teenager, he was not happy with his mobility and vision, and he chose to come back onto the program. He was the valedictorian of his class in high school. His college board examinations (which determine how fine a university he could be accepted) were in the top 98th percentile in math and the top 97th percentile in verbal in the country. He was accepted into the University of Berkley, one of the best universities in the United States. He graduated Magna Cum Laude with exceptional marks.
“He was accepted into Berkeley Law School, one of the top ten law schools in the US. He received a full Chancellor’s Scholarship. He became an attorney with three Master Degrees in Law. ”
Last year, at this time, the Doman International Institute launched its Global Giving campaign. The campaign was to raise all the funds to professionally videotape and translate into multiple languages the entire Doman Method™ Course: From Special Needs To Wellness. In addition, the course would then go onto an online platform so that for the first time in history parents could attend the course without having to leave their own living room.
This online course provides all the information, question and answer periods that the live course offers. For parents, it is one-quarter of the cost of the live course.
Within a few days after we launched the Global Giving campaign last year, we were informed that one person donated the entire cost of creating the online Doman Method™ Course: From Special Needs To Wellness. Who was this generous benefactor? The man, who at two years of age crept into the clinic thirty years ago. His name is Antonio Simonelli, and he is a prominent attorney today. In addition to his generous donation to put the Doman Method™ Course online, he also donated for Doman International to publish it’s advanced lectures online as well.
As of today, more than one hundred parents from more than thirty countries, and five continents from around the world have taken this course. Just this week we are completing our first Spanish course.
When I recently spoke to Antonio, I mentioned that our next challenge is to get out the word so parents around the world know about the online course, so that hundreds of parents can attend this course. Antonio immediately offered to finance this campaign with $10,000.
“Who would have guessed that the person we met as a little boy would end up helping hundreds of parents of brain-injured children around the world to get on the program? ”
For me, this is an incredible and touching thing to have watched unfold. It proves the excellence of our parents, the effectiveness of our program, and the incredible spirit of Antonio.
The Simonelli’s and their son Antonio set an example for all of us to aspire to as we work to achieve wellness in our children.
We wish you all the very finest for the holidays. May your entire family be reunited with a loving and giving spirit.