What To Expect At Your Child's Evaluation and Program Visit!

Parents often will ask what is involved in a Live Evaluation and Program Visit. This is a great question and I hope to be able to answer it.

After taking the Online Doman Method® Course, a family qualifies to bring their child for a Live Evaluation and Program visit.  We refer to this as The Advanced Doman Program. 

The purpose of the Advanced Doman Program (ADP) is to create the best program for parents and  children. Coming for a live visit will absolutely hold the greatest chance for success in a special needs child.

This is the outline of the visit!

The Evaluation Day:  

Of course this must happen first.

A clinical staff member will evaluate your child in every area of the Developmental Profile. This evaluation will take about 2 hours. To your child, this will seem like many wonderful, fun games. To the Doman International staff, it is a neurological evaluation.

The staff will then proceed to review your child's development from birth to present day. This is important so that our team gets the full picture as to how your child has developed.

A medical exam is done by Doman International’s doctor. Our doctors work closely with the clinical staff to make certain our children are healthy and cleared to begin certain programs. The doctor will help create the best nutritional program for your child.

The day is completed when a Director reviews with you your child’s new profile and welcomes you to the Doman Method® program..

Next Step:  The entire staff meet to discuss your child’s program. Although you’re not there, it is the most important part of the week for your child. We discuss everything about your child and decide the best program for your child for the next 6 months. 

Programming Days:

We set aside two days to teach parents their child's new program. 

You get four different consultation meetings with a staff member from each department where you will receive the following programs: 

Nutrition: Parents receive a vitamin program and a specific diet designed specifically for your child. This includes lots of recipes!

Mobility Program: A day-to-day program with goals specially designed for your child, to help your child advance in mobility and manual development.


Cognitive Program: For many of our children, this includes a Reading Program, a Sensory Development Program and other activities to improve communication and cognitive development.


Breathing Enhancement Program: If a child qualifies for this program, we can begin it immediately to increase oxygenation to the brain and body.

It is our goal that parents have a full plan of what is needed for the next six months!

There is more!

  • Each family has goals for each month to follow.

  • Each family will receive  a staff coach with the ability to ask unlimited questions.

It is the goal of the staff to answer any questions from a family within 36 hours.

Continued Education 

We know that continued education is very important. Each family, at the time of departure, is given the access to conferences that are important for their child’s development. These conferences are to further your understanding of child development in different areas - mobility, health, social, cognitive, speech, sensory and respiration. We know that this understanding is so important to do the best program possible.

Parents go back home with not just a plan for the next 6-month period, but also a Staff Coach to help them and a lot of hope to help keep them motivated and focused moving forward!


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