Jose’s Success! (Cri Du Chat Syndrome)


Jose was a premature baby. At birth, he suffered a lack of oxygen and experienced respiratory distress. Jose spent the first 25 days of his life in an incubator in the NICU. At 7 months old, Jose was diagnosed with a chromosomal condition named Cri Du Chat. Later, his problems included those of chromosome deletion, microcephaly, ADHD, and developmental delay.

Jose had poor hearing and was not always aware of the sounds in his environment. He was very quiet and unable to make many sounds. He had gastrointestinal reflux which gave him problems with sucking and eating. He was ill often, especially with pneumonia, and had very low muscle tone and had poor ability to move his arms, legs, and body.

When Jose was a year old, his mother took The Doman Method™ Course. From then on, Jose and his mom worked consistently to build up his physical ability, going from barely any movement at all, to crawling on his belly down an inclined floor 15 times a day! He learned to crawl on his belly on the flat floor soon after, and then gradually learned to creep on his hands and knees. She stimulated his sensory pathways, followed nutrition and health guidelines and more among the techniques prescribed by The Doman Method™.

Jose’s mom gave us a beautiful testimonial of Jose’s development -

“Before I found The Doman Method™, Jose did not have much mobility. But he began to crawl on his belly on the inclined floor. He learned how he should move his arms and legs in a regulated pattern.”

“He was always cheerful but after The Doman Method™, he is now full of energy and motivated to be present. He understands us.”

“Now it has been eight months that he has not had any health problems.”

“On September 29th, 2019 my heart leaped with emotion! My Jose began his first creeping steps on his hands and knees.” - and we see him doing just this in the video below!

Congratulations to Jose and his mom Angie! We are so proud of all that you have achieved so far, we look forward to seeing what comes next!


Noah Reads His First Words (Kleefstra Syndrome)


Olivia Creeps & Crawls (Prader-Willie Syndrome)