Olivia Creeps & Crawls (Prader-Willie Syndrome)
Olivia was diagnosed with a genetic condition called Prader-Willie Syndrome. When the family first came to Doman International, her parents shared that she had breathing problems, her language and muscle tone were poor, and she was not able to move across the floor on her own.
Olivia started the Floor Program as soon as she and her family learned of the Doman Method. Olivia used the Prone Device to avoid rolling, as rolling often hinders the ability to learn to crawl. Crawling on the belly marks a vital stage in the development of mobility which then leads to the child being able to creep on hands and knees, and later walk.
Four months of consistent Doman Method program helped Olivia to learn to crawl down the Incline Floor. Soon after, she conquered the ability to crawl on the flat floor too.
We are ecstatic to receive parents’ reports of Olivia having learned to creep on her hands and knees as well.
Crawling and creeping are both major milestones for brain growth and development. They are extremely vital in a child’s ability to learn to walk.
The program, done at home, had the support of Olivia’s grandparents who, along with her parents, actively did the program with her. We feel encouraged to know of the support Olivia’s parents have from their family which has been crucial in the success of her development.
Congratulations, this is a great win for Olivia and her wonderful family!