Giovanni was born one month premature. Right after birth, Giovanni experienced respiratory distress and was under intensive care for 10 hours. He was also treated with medication to prevent respiratory infection in the days following his birth. He made his mobility milestones but his first word of speech came after 1 year of age. Even after that, his speech did not see significant development.
His Mother took the online Doman Method® Course: From Special Needs to Wellness when Giovanni was 2 years old. At the time, Giovanni had about 6 words of speech. He could walk and was able to run a short distance. His creeping on hands and knees was uncoordinated and not in a cross-pattern.
Soon after taking the course, Giovanni’s mother implemented the Doman Method® Mobility programs including crawling on the belly and creeping on hands and knees, and the Patterning Program to teach his body to move in a more coordinated way. She implemented the recommended nutrition, as well as the Doman Method® Oxygenation program to increase oxygen delivery to his brain.
Within six months of starting with the program, the family took their very first Online Appointment at Doman International. By this time, Giovanni’s language had grown to more than 20 words of speech. He could even use couplets (word pairs) or short phrases which his mother understood. He was creeping on hands and knees with better balance and coordination.
In the months following his evaluation, his mobility programs also included running and balance activities. He began his Reading Program which he enjoys. It helped his mother introduce a wide vocabulary to Giovanni. His mother used the Doman Method® Choice Board for a period of time to help Giovanni express his needs and wants. Giovanni’s mother reports that he is walking faster. He walks a total of 1 kilometer a day. He runs on parts of his walk, and prefers to get into a sprint more and more on his walks. In the video below, you’ll see him wearing his mask and running with his backpack which he carries anytime he is out of the house!
A most fabulous win, shares Giovanni’s mother, is that Giovanni is now speaking in sentences! Currently, at 3 years and two months, he can speak several thousand words. He can initiate a conversation, ask questions and can tell you a story. He sends videos to his grandmother, with the help of his mother, telling grandmother how he is doing and everything he did in his day!
We congratulate Giovanni and his family for their great efforts and wonderful wins!