What We’re Grateful For This Year
The United States celebrated Thanksgiving day last week. By tradition, families gather for a festive dinner and everyone says “Thanks” for all the good things that happened in their life.
We asked members of The Doman International Family to tell us things they are grateful for.
Douglas Doman:
I am grateful for the Doman Method. Seventy years have gone into the development of the most successful, integrative method for benefit of all humans with brain injury. It is an enormous responsibility considering there are millions who are desperately in need of it.
Rosalind Doman:
Things I am grateful for.
My kids because they are good people, who are fun to be with and they make me laugh. My husband because without him my kids would not be who they are.
My mother, at age 93, is an inspiration. Happiness starts from within. She has taught me this and she shows me this every day.
Susanna Di Castro Horn:
I’m grateful for the ability to be able to have people for dinner, prepare a beautiful table with my grandmother’s tablecloth and with my mother plates, and cook for them my favorite recipes.
Spencer Doman:
I’m grateful this year for meditation. I only started learning about it several weeks ago, but implementing it for just 10 minutes daily has really helped me. It’s helped me stay focused, have less anxiety and sleep better. Really glad to have something very simple, but powerful, in my life.
Morgan Doman:
“I’m thankful that every day is a new day. A new day to connect to others, love a little more and follow my passions in new ways.”
Melissa Doman:
I am grateful for the people I have met and the experiences I had this year playing hurling and gaelic football. I am thankful to have my club and GAA family.
Emma Esperanza:
I am thankful for the life I have. It is not perfect but it is an awesome life. I am thankful for my kids and grandkids as they have made my life complete. I am thankful for the friends I've met along the way and I must say life is beautiful. I thank God for everything.
Niyati Patel:
I am grateful for my parents and my family. The support, encouragement and love of my family means a lot to me.
Julee Mahon:
I am grateful for my family. I do not live with my immediate family and my extended family is spread out. I do not see them very often and I do not get to talk to them every day. But they are always there for me no matter how far.
I am grateful to have such great friends all over the world. Whether they live in the same city or cities away. It's comforting to know where ever I go an old or new friend is always nearby.
I am grateful to Doman International and my Doman International family.
I am grateful to have dance in my life in any form.
To me what more can you want in life but be surrounded by joy and the people you love.
Natasha Lunkina:
I am grateful for ALL the people in my life because every person teaches you something. Sometimes you look at people, at situations, at things and you think that this is the example to follow or this is what you should or be like. Likewise, you see some people - how they communicate or interact with others, what they do, consequences of their actions, how they build and maintain relations - and you realize that this is an example no one should follow. Hence, I am grateful for each person in my life because at the end of the day, each relationship - the good, not so great, and everything in between - is a lesson. I am not sure if I learn all my lessons well, but I am trying my best!
Alex Del Rosario:
“I’m so grateful that i was able to survive all the obstacles in life during my younger years, and that God is always there to guide and protect me and my family. I’m so thankful that i was able to provide the needs of my family and give them the best that they deserve.”
Svetlana Davydenko:
I am infinitely grateful for the opportunity to travel, see how other people live on different parts of our Planet, feel the power of Nature and realize that you are only a small part of it, for the opportunity to make gastronomic discoveries and comprehend the features of various national cuisines of the World.
Jagjit Kaur:
I am grateful for the family and friends that I got in this life. They are not perfect and that's the best thing about them. My friends and family helped me, supported me and at times got upset with me and didn't believe me but I would consider that a very good thing. Every "Yes" helped me and every "No" motivated me to work harder and do better.
Amla Saraf:
I am thankful for diversity. Diversity of opinions, cultures, people, humour, love, perspectives - essentially anything and everything. Because for me, I think it is what made me be more accepting of not just the similarities that people have but also appreciate the unique differences too.
Jordan Earnest:
I am ever thankful for Doman International. They have given me what I have searched for my whole adult life. The gifts of knowledge and the ability to be understanding to be able to help children and families all around the world to change their lives, beat the odds, and succeed when the entire world told them they could not. I have found my people, my purpose, and my dream job.