Valentin: From being immobile to crawling and cruising (Trisomy 21)
Cecilia was delighted to learn she was going to have her third son, Valentin. She received a prenatal test at 9 weeks because of her age. At 12 weeks the results said there was a 90% chance of Valentin being born with Down Syndrome and an ultrasound confirmed some Down Syndrome markers. A scheduled cesarean delivery was planned when doctors found Valentin in a breech position. However, Cecilia went into labor early and Valentin was born without the need for C-Section. After the birth, Valentin was in the NICU for 10 days.
Valentin’s mother had a friend who had just came home from an appointment with Doman International. Her friends had taken the Course and started the Doman Method® program some months before. So they called Cecilia and discussed the wonderful results they were having with their little boy. Valentin’s mother was overjoyed that there was a way to help her newborn son. Up until this point, Cecilia had been doing traditional therapy but was not satisfied with the outcome. She felt in her heart that there must be a different, more compassionate way. She was looking for hope and felt that the most important thing to do was to just love Valentin.
Cecilia took the online Doman Method® Course: From Special Need to Wellness when Valentin was less than 9 months old. At that time he was already behind his peers. He was immobile and his joints were too loose. Valentin had digestive issues. He had respiratory problems which sent him to the hospital. As soon as Cecilia took the course, she made an appointment at Doman International’s clinic in Philadelphia.
After Cecilia’s visit in Philadelphia, she began a nutrition program, a baby reading program, a sensory program and gave Valentin maximum opportunity to move on the floor. Valentin has had many wonderful changes and his life is different since starting the Doman Method program 7 months ago.
At 16 months old, Valentin had his second in-person evaluation in Philadelphia. He is healthy with good digestion. He has not had to go to the hospital in the last six months. He loves his reading program, and enjoys his Doman Cards with pictures. His understanding is above age level, equal to an 18-month old. He can follow simple instructions like children do at this age.
Valentin now has two words of speech! And is trying to speak more words.
Most importantly, Valentin learned to crawl all over the house on his belly with his mobility program. He is now starting to stand and cruise along furniture as well.
Doman International would like to congratulate Valentin, his mother, Cecilia and his two brothers for their hard work and dedication!